I love annual plans, I mean they never really truly happen, but it is so exciting to sit down and look ahead.
Simple, I want to write up a series of posts describing the days of the Transcontinental race last year. Potentially a few on the preparations for it and maybe the aftermath and review (i.e. is it worth doing it). Other posts are also possible, but that’s my main goal – 9 posts.
I love writing and have found it invaluable over time, it helps me remember and re-live moments. I sure wish I was more disciplined with it.
I have bought a series of books on programming and have some fiction lined up too. But one of the main areas is more of a study related to finances and investing, so that would be my focus this year.
There was considerable damage towards the end of last year after the Transcontinental race. My health goals are around overcoming those problems, dentist appointments and continue with the general training.
I would consider it a success if I could get back to cycling, not necessarily very long rides, but just to be able to go out again for the joy of it.
My training focus has shifted to more body-weight exercises. The goals for this year would be:
- Unsupported (without an elastic band) muscle up
- Half a minute hand stand hold
- I have no clear goal but I’ve started working on the front lever
I love stretching and once the above-mentioned problems are solved I want to get back to it and improve/develop the splits fully.
In my review for 2019 I noted that relationships were badly affected (in my opinion) last year. So this year I want to spend more and meaningful time with friends and family, face to face. To do it there are some trips planned and I’m hoping to do more impromptu meet ups.
There are also some postcards that will need sending (I’ve been bad with them last year).
- Wales – This one already happened in January and was exactly what I needed!
- Bulgaria – To see family and friends, maybe a long weekend
- Lithuania – Visiting a friend with some ideas for camping and more
- Morocco – This is still in the works, but I’m really hoping it will happen
- White carpathian mountains – This will be a group trip with friends, much needed
- Georgia – A country I’ve dreamt of visiting for a long time. My brother loves it too, so we’re considering a week long cycling trip there together
- There are a few ideas for city-escape weekends as well which I think would be very energising and bonding
- I am also hoping as part of the cycling recovery to do some quick weekend trips in the Peak District or in Wales, just to get more fresh air in the lungs
The above are the most well established ideas / plans, there are more and even these can change, but that is I think plenty.
I am spending a lot of my reading effort (even at the moment) on reading about investing. This is not something with an immediate result, but even what I have learned in the past few years has been rewarding.
The goals for this year is to get back to investing regularly and apply some of the strategies I learn from the studying. This I hope, will reap rewards long term.
Professional growth
The beginning of the year has already started with four planned events with the imposter syndrome talk. Giving talks in the last year has been immensely rewarding and I am very exciting for the coming ones.
I have been involved in mentoring a lot more in the last six months, particularly I’ve had three mentees somewhat and it has brought to light how much I learn through that experience, so I want to keep it up this year as much as possible and get involved in any other initiatives that are available.
I am planning to also get the first level of the Amazing Web Services certification, which is one of the most recognised ones. We will see if there’s enough time as it requires a fair bit of studying.
T-shirt designs
The last three weeks saw me starting a new idea – designing my own t-shirts related to long distance cycling (and cycling in general). Cycling has given me a lot, so many incredible, unforgettable experiences and this project gives me the chance to get back into designing (something I miss).
The goal is to setup a website and have ten designs on there for sale by the end of the year. I am not doing it to make profit necessarily, but more to inspire others to get out and to share the passion for the outdoors and cycling.
I really just want to finish reading the bloody Spanish / English Robinson Crusoe book 🙂
Review goals
I am adding all of this to a list that I would be able to see regularly so I can track progress from the start!
Giving up
If you’ve been reading these plans for a while, you know everything I want to do comes at a price and I need to let go of something else. This year I want to be more forgiving with myself, to not be demanding and to back off a bit. To leave space for things to happen and to enjoy them. Hence, you might notice the post is pretty lean.
I am very excited for the year ahead, and particularly for meeting people and straightening connections through some great experiences (hopefully). But mostly I am looking forward to slowing down and recovering from what seems to be a burnout. Less should be more.
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Why don’t you out Sardinia as one of your place to re-visit?
A very good suggestion Andrea, I really loved it there. Maybe an idea to go together (and hopefuly you will be ablebodied this time :)) )?
That is a good point Andrea, I absolutely loved Sardegna! Maybe we should go there together once again, when the Pandemic subsides?